Sunday, August 05, 2018

Give a man (or woman) a fish...

Over the past few years, I had the opportunity to work with a great group of youth in my church, and I’ve learned so much from each of them as they made difficult decisions in their lives and have moved forward with faith.  many of them have chosen to leave their homes for 18-24 months as a full-time missionary, in all parts of the world, to serve their neighbor.  Ive tried to send a little doodled envelope and letter to each one, and this week, the letter goes out to an amazing young woman serving her mission in Brazil (the same place I served my mission when her age!)
I decided on a fish, because I like fish!  But also because of the many inspiring stories including fish in the scriptures such as Jonah and the big fish, Christ and the loaves and fishes, a resurrected Christ preparing fishes for his weary apostles as he returns to give them needed direction (and nourishment) and many more.
Since she is out there serving in His name, I thought it appropriate to send her a fish as well!
 Here it is:  
Done in gouache.