Thursday, July 31, 2008
On the plane trip from Rome to Utah I drew this little guy...possibly capturing the elation of being away from work for an entire two weeks.....ESCAPE!!!!!
Then as soon as we landed, we packed up our campin' stuff and early the next morning we were on our way to the Grand Tetons, and Yellowstone. I did a couple of doodles while there for a week. I don't particularly care for the mountain doodle...frankly, I don't have much talent for landscaping, but I enjoyed being in the lake playing with my family. The next is the camper that we looked at everyday.
Then we were back on the road to Salt Lake to enjoy a week full of parades, movies with friends, talks with family, strolls through graveyards, revisiting key memory filled places, and just hanging out. The following sketches just filled in the time...
This last bony faced man was done on the plane back to home...I was contemplating the piles and piles of work that were awaiting my return to work....alas, vacations are joyous!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
blog award...yipee

... I was surprised and humbled to receive a compliment from Karen Blados today in the form of a blog award. A big thanks to her and her thoughtfulness. I've been watching Karen's blog for a while now and am constantly impressed with her ability to journal her life and package it in such a delightful presentation. Take a look at her stuff!
The rules of acceptance are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Consequently, here are the people that I'd like to suggest...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Patriotic lemons...
After we got home, the kids and I had a massive water fight on the front lawn. It was perfect to beat the Georgia sun. After drying off, we all sat down to the table to doodle and paint away the afternoon. I had nothing in mind, and so my pen just drew. This is what came out. (Don't ask, I have not idea either.)
I'm also adding a couple of doodles that I did a few days ago. One is of a fellow that was speaking at my church. I was intrigued with his comments and doodled him speaking. The other is yet another sumo sketch. I didn't like this one, but am posting it nonetheless.