For the past two weeks I have been on vacation far away from home. Consequently, I haven't had access to computer, email, blogs, etc. I did have a lot of time to sketch, however. In fact, as I was scanning everything that I did, I surprised myself with the quantity (not quality on most). In the spirit of posting, here is everything with a bit of description for each doodle:
On the plane trip from Rome to Utah I drew this little guy...possibly capturing the elation of being away from work for an entire two weeks.....ESCAPE!!!!!
Then as soon as we landed, we packed up our campin' stuff and early the next morning we were on our way to the Grand Tetons, and Yellowstone. I did a couple of doodles while there for a week. I don't particularly care for the mountain doodle...frankly, I don't have much talent for landscaping, but I enjoyed being in the lake playing with my family. The next is the camper that we looked at everyday.
Then we were back on the road to Salt Lake to enjoy a week full of parades, movies with friends, talks with family, strolls through graveyards, revisiting key memory filled places, and just hanging out. The following sketches just filled in the time...
This last bony faced man was done on the plane back to home...I was contemplating the piles and piles of work that were awaiting my return to work....alas, vacations are joyous!!
11 hours ago