Saturday, June 02, 2018

Wart Biter ...any takers?

This week I read an article about an insect, a cricket, that is on the endangered species list.  The name of this little beauty was what caught me.  It is commonly known as a "wart-biter."  Interestingly, back in the day, people actually would catch these insects and allow them to chew off their warts...WHAT?  The scientific name Verrucivorus derives from the Latin, 'verruca' meaning 'wart" and 'vorous' 'to devour."  NO JOKE, it is able to do this as it has very strong mouthparts.  Nevertheless, as I looked up various pictures of this insect, I was struck by how fascinating the creature appeared.  So ornate and armored!  Awesome.  

Consequently, this week's envelope was one of pure self-interest...not really intended to mean signify anything in particular.  Rather, I just wanted to doodle this guy and try my hand at painting this bug I don't have anyone in mind to which I will send this envelope, so, for fun, I thought I would offer it up to the person that can tell me, via comment, the most interesting cricket story that they have.  I'll read through those comments, post the one that I find most fascinating, and send this envelope out to them with a fun little letter.

Happy Story Telling!