Recently, a very courageous friend of mine, made a choice that showed a deep amount of bravery, despite how he may have been perceived by those around him that didn't know all the circumstances. This friend had been working towards accomplishing something, a mission that would take two years of his time wherein he would be serving others. However, as he entered into that task, he realized that in order for him to accomplish what he needed to accomplish, he would need more preparation. On his own, he went to those that had helped him get there and expressed his need to return home.
It would have been easy for him to just give up on the dream, give up on the expectation that he had placed upon himself, but has continued to work towards getting back to where he could serve in a capacity that he has looked forward to serving.
I've thought a lot about him this week, and how his diligence, despite barricades and obstacles, has inspired me to stick to the task at hand regardless of the challenges. My mind kept going back to the story of the tortoise and the hare, and how, despite challenges that seemed to doom the tortoises success, were overcome because of diligence, tenacity, and long-suffering. I don't remember all of the details about the story...whether or not the onlookers of the race laughed at the tortoise for thinking he could win, or whether the hare, in belching self-confidence also made fun of the seeming unfit contender, but I remember that the tortoise won.
I'm grateful for my friend's example of continuity towards goals despite potential feelings of inadequacy. Onto victory for him.
Here is the envelope that I painted for him this week, which carried a note of thanks for his inspiring race.
Done in gouache and pen and ink.
4 hours ago