Sunday, October 17, 2021

More Paper Butterflies

 It has been over a year since I last posted something on this website, and frankly, I’m shocked.  I have been actively producing things here and there, but haven’t really taken the time to broadcast it or share.  I thought I would make a few entries to post some of the things that I have created since then and I’ll start with more butterflies.

Hands down, I have enjoyed painting and cutting out butterflies the most over the last year.  There is something spectacular about the varied patterns and colors in nature.  I love the lessons that can be taught about perseverance, transformation, growth and struggle from the life cycle of a moth or of a butterfly…there’s so much to be gleaned from the observation of these wonderful creatures.

Here’s a slew of butterflies that I have painted and given away to various people over the past year: